How to overcome anxiety and boost your mental health

What is anxiety? Anxiety is characterized by a feeling of fear and worry, more or less intense and lasting, which

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Tips and remedies

Ciro Balzano

How to overcome anxiety and boost your mental health

What is anxiety? Anxiety is characterized by a feeling of fear and worry, more or less intense and lasting, which

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Team Scientifico R&S PromoPharma

How to lower cholesterol levels: diet, tips and mistakes to avoid

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a type of fat that is produced by our body and that is found in

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Dott. Valerio Ballardini

The ketogenic diet: What it is, how it works and why you should start it

What is a ketogenic diet? The first therapeutic applications of the ketogenic diet or VLCKD (Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet)

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Dott. Alberto Fiorito

Digestive regularity: the secrets of improving digestion and gently relieving your intestines

The digestive system, what is it and how does it work? The digestive system is composed of a group of

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Team Scientifico R&S PromoPharma

The immune system: how it works and the secret to strengthening it

The importance of the immune system Being able to defend ourselves from attack by pathogens is essential for our well-being.

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Team Scientifico R&S PromoPharma

Proteins: essential macronutrients for the health of our body

What is protein? It’s frequently talked about in the world of nutrition, sports, and even gastronomy. There are even some

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Team Scientifico R&S PromoPharma

Lactoferrin: what it is, where you can find it, and why it’s the ideal immune system support for the whole family

What is the immune system and why is it essential for the body When we think about protecting our body,

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Team Scientifico R&S PromoPharma

The importance of Vitamin C for the immune system

Immune system and Vitamin C The immune system is essential for life: it represents a complex security system that makes

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Team Scientifico R&S PromoPharma

Hair loss: how to fight it for thick and healthy hair

Hair loss: how to fight it for thick and healthy hair Hair is a fundamental part of our appearance. Especially

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