The best natural remedies to get back in September!

The month of September is difficult for everyone: both for those who have been on vacation and have to restart working, both for those who didn’t go on vacation who will feel even more the need for a break from the routine. In addition, the seasonal changes put anyone to test: the days get shorter and alter our rhythms. There is no doubt that we need help or some natural support to recover and have increased energy!

What are the main natural remedies to improve energy?

Here are some tips and natural remedies to raise energy levels and for reducing fatigue. If you follow them, in few weeks you will get stronger than ever before!

  • Having a proactive and positive attitude in the workplace as well as at home helps to face the various commitments with more serenity.
  • Stay “active”: take advantage of the last summer period to participate in events, evenings with friends, concerts, etc. after work.
  • A balanced diet based on whole grains, seasonal fruits and vegetables, white meats, fish and legumes, is fundamental for energy production and is always a good start to feel good.
  • Practicing sport is an energy boost! Physical activity, as well as nutrition, represents a fundamental point for your well-being.
  • Natural energy drinks: you can boil water and put your favorite herb tea with some honey. This will give you comfort and will produce energy. 
  • Food supplements to overcome fatigue, specially formulated to help the body feel better and have more energy.

Which are the best natural supplements?

Every year, in this period, the research on Google increases exponentially for “fatigue supplements” or “natural remedies for vitality and energy”. To combat tiredness and sleepiness, surely the most valid method is to use supplements to fight fatigue. Let’s see together which are the best and why.

  • Fish oil is rich in Omega 3, good fatty acids that have numerous biological effects. Fish oil fatigue supplements decrease blood levels of triglycerides, have antiarrhythmic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties and induce beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, nervous and immune systems.
  • Royal jelly, composed of water, proteins, glucides, lipids and other nutritional factors (including vitamins, minerals and phytosterols) has always been used for its restorative and nourishing activity, useful both in school-age and for the elderly. Royal jelly strengthens defenses and increases resistance to efforts.
  • A cure-all for physical and mental fatigue is Maca, an Andean tuber. It has well-known tonic-adaptogenic properties that can be used safely even in children. This is because its effect would not be due to a stimulation of the central nervous system, but to an improvement in energy performance, which reduces physical and mental fatigue.
  • The B group vitamins play an essential role in the proper functioning of the digestive system, the nervous system, and energy exchange. They are fundamental in the support during moments of debilitation.
  • The artichoke can be particularly useful for its purifying and detoxifying liver action. Furthermore, let’s not forget the energy that it can offer, in a moment of fatigue like this, thanks to its rich phytonutrient content.

Taken individually or even better associated with each other, they can be very useful as natural remedies for physical and mental fatigue (in particular that of students), in the event of loss of immune defenses, in the convalescence of both children and adults.

All these precious elements are enclosed in Astrape®, a PromoPharma food supplement, specially formulated to support the mind and body!

The energetic food supplement Astrape®

Astrape® is a food supplement with ROYAL JELLY, FISH OIL, ARTICHOKE, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. It also contains MACA (Lepidium Meyenii), BLUEBERRY and MAGNESIUM CITRATE. These precious elements contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and they have a tonic action. ASTRAPE® is suitable for both children and adults. it is available in pharmacies and herbalists. Find out where here.


Bibliographical references

  1. De Lorgeril M. Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, inflammation, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Subcell Biochem. 2007; 42: 283-97.
  2. Gustavo F. Gonzales. Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacology of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a Plant from the Peruvian Highlands. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2012, Article ID 193496, 10 pages.
  3. Stocker A, Schramel P, Kettrup A, Bengsch E. Trace and mineral elements in royal jelly and homeostatic effects. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2005; 19 (2-3): 183-9.


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