

The line offers formulations containing the ideal combination of alkalizing minerals that can support the body’s acid-base balance. In normal life conditions our metabolism tends constantly to acidosis, so the body must counteract this acidifying tendency by eliminating acids through the lungs and kidneys, modifying the intestinal bacterial flora through by means of alkalizing minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium. Chronic metabolic acidosis is induced by wrong food choices, chronic stress (excess cortisol and adrenaline induced by stress), immune hypersensitivity reactions, dehydration, too little exercise and oxygenation, aging or excessive sports training. A lifestyle that facilitates the continuation of the acidic state leads to the consumption of buffering mineral substances that are also subtracted from the bone matrix with the consequent likely onset of osteoporosis. The efficacy of supplementation with bicarbonate and citrate salts has shown systemic effects, both in healthy patients and patients with osteoporosis. Here is what the Xalifom line is useful for: the alkaline balance necessary to feel good.