January, it's time to detox!
Here we are, new year, new life! As usual, this year begins with the same good intentions as last year, which too often fade along the way...
Nevertheless, when clothes get too tight, and buttons pop after the carousel of lunches and dinners in good company in the Christmas holidays, and we realize that we have spent hours sitting around the table among fats, sweets, and alcohol, we want to lose some pounds and engage in a new, healthy lifestyle that keeps us fit 365 days a year.
The secret is to make it step by step. January is the best time to start a detox path that cleanses our body of toxins stored during the holidays. Your liver, bowel, kidneys, and lymphatic system will thank you and you'll get prepared for the subsequent steps of a total but soft and gradual remise-en-forme, in which bad habits will be slowly replaced by a healthier lifestyle.
Toxin accumulation disorders
Excessive waste accumulation can cause various bodily consequences, negatively affecting our well-being.
The most evident effects are the aesthetic ones:
- Cellulitis
- Water retention
- Bloating
- Weight gain
Moreover, an intoxication of the body greatly complicates the work of the aforementioned excretory organs that act as filters, causing various disorders due to the accumulation of toxins:
- Tiredness
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Skin disorders
- Mood disorders
- Insomnia
The benefits of detox on the body
Therefore, detoxifying the body means improving the functionality and performance of our organs, increasing energy levels, and maybe - why not - making us lose a few extra pounds without requiring too much sacrifice.
If you are slightly overweight, you only need to combine your detox strategies with a short period of lunches based on meal replacements formulated with a balanced intake of protein, fat, and sugar to regain control of your figure.
The perfect strategy after the holidays
Some steps are crucial if we want to get rid of toxins:
- Drink, drink, and drink! Three liters of liquid daily will help us detoxify the kidneys and drain waste. In addition to low-mineral water, we can drink fruit juices, fresh vegetable centrifuges, green tea, and fennel herbal teas, which help deflate by promoting diuresis.
- Walk daily in the open air, at a good pace, for at least 30 minutes. In this case, consistency is everything: during the detox phase, the body must exercise regularly, even if in a soft way, because physical exercise increases lymphatic flow and gets the circulation moving again, helping us to expel toxins also through sweating. In addition, walking outdoors improves oxygenation and is also a perfect mood tonic.
- Eating raw food: raw foods, and especially seasonal vegetables, contain more nutrients and enzymes and more water and fibers than cooked meals, promoting intestinal regularity.
- Take your time and breathe! A few minutes a day of attention to our breath will help us slowly learn to breathe deeply. Simply place your hands on your lower abdomen, inhale through your nose, slowly counting to three, and then exhale just as slowly. Deep breathing will help increase our energy levels and calmness and empty our heads of negative thoughts.
- Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing. Chewing food longer during meals improves digestion, helps you feel full faster, and leads to eating less.
- Take a scrub before showering. It will be a burst of energy that will help you expel toxins, also at the skin level. Mix sea salt, honey, and chopped rosemary in a bowl. Then, gently massage your body with circular movements, starting with the feet and hands and avoiding the face, throat, and sensitive areas. Finally, a nice shower, first hot and then cold, will open the pores and improve blood circulation.
- Finally, get help from the appropriate supplements to boost your detox strategy. Always keeping the previous steps in mind, let's help ourselves by taking the classic draining supplements based on natural active ingredients such as Pilosella and Birch, which promote the drainage of body fluids, and Milk thistle, effective in promoting the cleansing functions of the body and a valid aid to better support detoxification strategies at the beginning of the year. Supplementation with glutathione, an extremely powerful antioxidant, is also useful: an effective molecule with detoxifying action, it helps the liver to dispose of waste and toxic substances, including chemical compounds and drugs, food waste, pollutants, and heavy metals, while promoting the regeneration of anti-aging vitamins C and E.
Ketogenic diet: the detox diet after the holidays
At the beginning of the year, when detoxification includes a dietary plan to lose many excess pounds, Keto diets and VLCD (very low-calorie diet), followed under medical and health professional supervision, should also provide proper dietary supplementation.
They are particularly effective because, in addition to ensuring rapid weight loss and shaping the body in centimeters, they reduce fat muscle mass while maintaining lean mass with the help of specific protein supplements. However, they lead to an accumulation of waste and ketone bodies, which our bodies need to dispose of effectively. For this reason, in addition to consulting a nutritionist or dietician for a balanced diet plan, it is crucial to seek advice on appropriate supporting detox supplements, such as draining and alkalizing supplements. These supplements can restore the acid-base balance, counteracting acidosis due to waste accumulation, and replenish minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium (carbonates and citrates), which help support normal muscle function during the ketogenic diet.